
,Synonyms(English)forclick:·chatter·chink·clack·clink·cluck·comehome·dawn·detent·dog·fallintoplace·flick·getacross ...,topushpartofacomputermouse(=asmallcomputercontrol)tomakethecomputerdosomething.클릭하다.Tostarttheprogram,clickonitsicon.,由EKim著作·2024·被引用5次—Toaddressthisgap,weintroduceabenchmarkofCulturalandLinguisticIntelligenceinKorean(CLIcK),adatasetcomprising1,995QApairs.,CLIcK(Cu...


Synonyms (English) for click: · chatter · chink · clack · clink · cluck · come home · dawn · detent · dog · fall into place · flick · get across ...

CLICK | translate English to Korean

to push part of a computer mouse (= a small computer control) to make the computer do something. 클릭하다. To start the program, click on its icon.


由 E Kim 著作 · 2024 · 被引用 5 次 — To address this gap, we introduce a benchmark of Cultural and Linguistic Intelligence in Korean (CLIcK), a dataset comprising 1,995 QA pairs.


CLIcK (Cultural and Linguistic Intelligence in Korean) is a comprehensive dataset designed to evaluate cultural and linguistic intelligence in the context ...

Korean Click International Education Center

Are you still learning Korean the hard way? Easy and fun Meta Korean School and Meta English KoreanClick will help you study Korean. + 3.

Korean Translation of “CLICK” | Collins English

click · 1. transitive verb/intransitive verb. If something clicks or if you click it, it makes a short, sharp sound. · 2. transitive verb/intransitive verb [no ...

首爾大學韓國語教育中心Click Korean 中文翻譯第一課

所以如果要表示只有母音的音節時, 要加上子音「ㅇ」,「ㅇ」在此是不發音的。 請注意:「ㅇ」 的位置為: 1. 如果是「直線」比較長的母音, 「ㅇ」要放在左邊, 例如: “이”;


우측 상단의 리포트 로그인 버튼을 Click하여 이용 부탁드립니다. 다시 공지창 띄우지 않음 ㅣ 닫기. Audience is Everything®. Nielsen Media Korea의 KoreanClick ...